Free Video #2
Let me start by saying, that most all problem dogs, or even basic dog problems, occur with dogs that are actually perfectly "normal" canines. To be clear what I am saying here is that in my 20 year professional career, I can unequivically suggest to you that most all dog problems occur with dogs that are "socially broken". In canine ways. These dogs are no longer living or functioning in their "natural state". Lightheartedly we have all seen, or we have in our own homes, children that occasionally act like "spoiled brats".(smile) The point as you may guess is that these beautiful little children did not "spoil" themselves. No, we did that. It is similar for dogs! When dogs do not get the social structure and the leadership (in their language) that they innately and biologically Need, they all become "socially broken". Some dogs faster than others, and each dog differently. This is most prevalent in one dog homes.
In this video you will hear this explained in more detail..